We are happy you found our blog and hope it will help you on your journey into Yoga Life. So much has changed since in our lives since we started this blog but the Truth remains the same. Though we are not currently updating this blog, we hope enjoy the articles. Om Shanti!
With Love,
Your Rainbow Yogis
Sun Salutation / Surya Namaskar
The Abdominal and Full Yogic Breath

Basic Breathing Techniques for a Revitalized Life! The Abdominal Breath: Often due to poor postural habits only the chest is used to breathe. This is a very small portion of the lung capacity and an inefficient use of the lungs. Additionally, this habit hardly ever allows for a full exhalation – meaning…
Introduction To Vegetarian Cooking

Om Namah Sivaya Blessed Friends, Welcome to Rainbow Life Yoga. This introductory post is based on a cooking course I designed while teaching at the Sivananda San Francisco, CA Yoga Center. Each recipe is ayurvedically inspired and based on how we generally eat at the ashram or center. The recipes are tasty,…
The Yogic Diet
The Yogic Diet A Yogic diet is a diet conducive to the practice of Yoga in all of its aspects. That is, it’s a diet that not only refrains from disturbing your practice, but actually assists in creating the calm state of mind necessary to practice successfully. In Yoga, this…