Namaste, Welcome to Rainbow Life Yoga!
We are happy you found our blog and hope it will help you on your journey into Yoga Life. So much has changed since in our lives since we started this blog but the Truth remains the same. Though we are not currently updating this blog, we hope enjoy the articles. Om Shanti!
With Love,
Your Rainbow Yogis
We are happy you found our blog and hope it will help you on your journey into Yoga Life. So much has changed since in our lives since we started this blog but the Truth remains the same. Though we are not currently updating this blog, we hope enjoy the articles. Om Shanti!
With Love,
Your Rainbow Yogis
Child’s Pose and Makarasana
Pranayama Guided, No Instructions
Om Namah Sivaya Blessed Friends, This is the basic pranayama practice with a Kapalabhati count 0f 60,90,120 and 10 Rounds of Anuloma Viloma 4-16-8 ratio. This is guided but does not include instructions on how to practice, if you need more instructions please see this recording. This a great recording for…
Open Class with Variations 90 minutes
Basic Pranayama with Instructions
Om Blessed Friends, If you are still getting comfortable with the pranayama practices then this is a great recording for you. It introduces the pranayama with detailed instructions. The Kapalabhati is a low count and there are only 8 rounds of Anuloma Viloma. You can practice this recording even without…