We are happy you found our blog and hope it will help you on your journey into Yoga Life. So much has changed since in our lives since we started this blog but the Truth remains the same. Though we are not currently updating this blog, we hope enjoy the articles. Om Shanti!
With Love,
Your Rainbow Yogis
Basic Sivananda Sequence, w/out Headstand

Om Namah Sivaya, Here is the basic class including: 2 Pranayamas, Sun Salutation, and the 12 posture sequence without variations. It is an instructional class preparing people for headstand so it teaches the dolphin posture in detail. The dolphin is the preparation/alternative to the headstand. It gives full instructions for pranayama…
Anuloma Viloma

Anuloma Viloma is called Alternate Nostril Breathing, and is one of the main pranayama that allows the body to absorb and retain the most prana. This breath is also extremely energetically purifying. It helps to correct many improper breathing habits, bringing balance between the two hemispheres of the brain, which correspond…
In Sanskrit, Kapalabhati literally means “shining skull”. It is considered to be such a cleansing technique that if practiced regularly, the face takes on a vibrant glow of health. Morning and daytime is the best time for practicing this exercise, as it stimulates the nervous system and can keep you…
Savasana is the posture of relaxation. It is the only posture that allows all the muscles in your body to relax completely – and so is used for the relaxation before, during, and after the asana practice. It is best to return to Savasana if at any point you feel…